$\DeclareMathOperator\RB{RB}$What is known about the Sylow subgroups of the restricted Burnside groups $\RB(d,n)$ ?
I am looking for a reference.
In fact my question is slightly more general. Recall that, category-theoretically, a restricted Burnside group $\RB(d,n)$ is the coproduct (or free product) of $d$ cyclic groups $C_n$ in the subcategory $\mathit{FinGroups} \bmod n$ of finite groups with each element of order dividing $n$. Let us denote this coproduct by $(C_n * .. * C_n) \bmod n $.
More generally, I am interested in the structure of Sylow subgroups of groups $A * P \bmod n$ where $P$ is a $p$-group, and order of $A$ is prime to $p$.
Note that many finite groups can be generated by two elements of order $2$ and $3$, and this means that $C_2 * C_3 \bmod n $ is rather large and complicated.