I am studying symmetric solutions to the complex matrix equation \begin{equation} A X B=C, \end{equation} where $A$, $B$, and $C$ are $m\times n$, $n \times k$, and $m \times k$ complex matrices, respectively. We may further assume that these matrices are arbitrary random unstructured matrices (i.e., any submatrix of $A$, $B$, or $C$ is full-rank with probability 1). Furthermore, $X$ is the $n\times n$ matrix of unknowns, which is restricted to be symmetric (i.e., $X$=$X^\mathrm{T}$). I would like to find (and prove) a rule for obtaining the minimum $n$ that allows for a solution to this equation.
When trying to solve this problem by vectorizing, I reach a linear equation like \begin{equation} (B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)\begin{bmatrix}Z_U+Z_D\end{bmatrix}v=\mathrm{vec}(C), \end{equation} where $Z_U$ and $Z_D$ are matrices selecting and permuting the elements of $(B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)$ associated to the upper and lower triangular parts of $X$, respectively, and $v$ is the $n(n+1)/2$-sized vector of unique unknowns. We further know that $Z_D = K^{(n,n)}Z_U$, where $K^{(n,n)}$ is the respective conmutation matrix. What I have noticed is that the matrix $(B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)\begin{bmatrix}Z_U+Z_D\end{bmatrix}$, and specifically $(B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)(I+K^{(n,n)})$ where $I$ stands for identity matrix, may have rank lower than $mk$ even when $(B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)$ has rank $mk$ (and $n(n+1)/2>mk$). I feel like there should be a way to predict how the rank of said product of matrices behaves, but I have failed to characterize it. We may also formulate this problem in terms of characterizing the right-invertibility of $(B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)\begin{bmatrix}Z_U+Z_D\end{bmatrix}$.
Another empirical observation I noted is that, for the square case where $m=k$, the solvability of this equation is given by the simple rule $n=2m-1$, but I am not able to prove even this case.
Edit: When $\mathrm{rank}\left((B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)\begin{bmatrix}Z_U+Z_D\end{bmatrix}\right)=mk$ the solution is trivially given by applying the pseudo-inverse $(.)^\dagger$ as $$v=\left((B^\mathrm{T}\otimes A)\begin{bmatrix}Z_U+Z_D\end{bmatrix}\right)^\dagger \mathrm{vec}(C),$$ and remapping $v$ to the symmetric matrix structure, but the question is about how to know if there is a solution or not. Specifically, about what values of $n$ assure solvability.
Edit 2: By empirical evaluation for the general case it seems that the solvability of this equation is given by the simple rule $n\geq m+k-1$. However, I would still like to find a formal proof to this rule, which I have failed to do so far.