This is the Duistermaat–Kolk construction of a simply connected Lie group that integrates the given Lie algebra $\def\g{{\frak g}}\g$.
The starting observation is that for any simply connected Lie group $G$ the canonical morphism of group objects in diffeological spaces (or smooth sets) $$\def\Hom{\mathop{\rm Hom}}\Hom([0,1],G)_0/\Hom([0,1]^2,G)_0→G$$ that evaluates at 1 is an isomorphism.
Here $\Hom$ denotes the internal hom in sheaves of sets on smooth manifolds (or, equivalently, diffeological spaces), equipped with the group structure induced from $G$, and $\Hom([0,1],G)_0$ denotes the subobject of $\Hom([0,1],G)$ consisting of paths that evaluate to $1∈G$ on 0, i.e., paths $[0,1]→G$ that start at $1∈G$.
Likewise, $\Hom([0,1]^2,G)_0$ denotes the subobject of $\Hom([0,1]^2,G)$ comprising homotopies that do not move the endpoints, and the initial endpoint stays fixed at $1∈G$.
That is, paths that are homotopic relative endpoints are identified.
A key observation to make now is that both ingredients of the quotient can be recovered from their differentials (or derivatives).
That is, the above isomorphism can rewritten as
To ensure that a smooth map $ω\colon[0,1]^2→\g^2$ is the derivative of a homotopy described above, we require that the endpoints stays fixed (encoded by the vanishing of the corresponding partial derivatives, depicted by the subscript $0$) and the curvature form $\def\d{{\rm d}}\d\,ω+[ω,ω]/2$ vanishes, depicted by the subscript $\flat$.
The advantage of this construction is that it is manifestly functorial, easy to describe, and readily generalizes to Lie ∞-algebras and Lie ∞-algebroids.