The set $K_A$ is essentially a polar of $A$. Indeed, we have
A = \{ x \in \mathbb R^n \mid l(x) \ge t \; \forall (l,t) \in K_A\} =: B.$$
The inclusion "$\subset$" is clear and in order to check "$\supset$", let us take $y \not\in A$. Thus, we can separate $y$ and $A$, i.e., there exists $l \in (\mathbb R^n)'$ and $\varepsilon > 0$ with
l(y) + \varepsilon \le l(x) \qquad\forall x \in A.$$
Thus, $(l, l(y)+\varepsilon) \in K_A$ and, therefore, $y \not\in B$. Hence, $A = B$.
Now, let $E$ be the extremal rays of $K_A$. Since $K_A$ is the conical convex hull of $E$, we get
A = \{x \in \mathbb R^n \mid l(x) \ge t \; \forall (l,t) \in E\}.$$
This description is also minimal, i.e., for each strict subset $F \subsetneq E$,
A \ne \{x \in \mathbb R^n \mid l(x) \ge t \; \forall (l,t) \in F\}.$$
This should give us that for each $(l,t) \in E$,
A \cap l^{-1}(\{t\})$$
is a face of $A$.