Let $G$ a reductive group over a nonarchimedean local field $F$.
Let $P_0$ be a minimal parabolic subgroup of $G$ and $A$ a maximal split torus contained in $P_0$.
The normalizer $N_G(A)(F)$ acts on the apartment of $A$ via the extended affine Weyl group,
which contains the affine Weyl group $W_\mathrm{aff}$ with finite index.
Let $I$ be an Iwahori subgroup of $G(F)$ compatible with $P_0$.
By the Iwasawa decomposition, the double cosets in $P_0(F)\backslash G(F)/I$
are represented by the elements of the Weyl group $W := N_G(A)(F)/C_G(A)(F)$.
Let $\pi$ be the natural projection $W_\mathrm{aff}\rightarrow W$.
It's not hard to show that if $w\in W$ and $s\in W_\mathrm{aff}$
is a simple reflection (relative to $I$), then
P_0(F) w\pi(s) I\subseteq P_0(F) w I s I \subseteq P_0(F) w\pi(s) I \sqcup P_0(F) wI,
and if furthermore $s\in W$, then
P_0(F) sw I\subseteq P_0(F) s P_0(F) w I \subseteq P_0(F) sw I\sqcup P_0(F) wI.
Now let $P$ be a parabolic subgroup of $G$ containing $P_0$,
and let $K$ be a parahoric subgroup of $G(F)$ containing $I$.
P(F) = \bigsqcup_{u\in W_{M_P}}P_0(F)uP_0(F),
where $W_{M_P}$ is the Weyl group of the standard Levi component of $P$, and
K = \bigsqcup_{v\in W_K}IvI,
where $W_K$ is the Coxeter subgroup of $W_\mathrm{aff}$ consisting of those elements with representatives in $K$.
Given $w\in W$, consider the double coset $P(F)wK$. From (\ref{bruhat}) and (\ref{iwahori}),
$$P(F)wK = \bigcup_{u\in W_{M_P},v\in W_K}P_0(F)uP_0(F)wIvI.$$
Applying (\ref{parabolic_mult}) one simple generator of $W_K$ at a time,
we get that this union is equal to
$$\bigcup_{u\in W_{M_P},v\in W_K}P_0(F)uP_0(F)w\pi(v)I.$$
Applying (\ref{iwahori_mult}) one simple generator of $W_{M_P}$ at a time,
we find that this is equal to
$$\bigcup_{u\in W_{M_P},v\in W_K}P_0(F)uw\pi(v)I.$$
It follows from the Iwasawa decomposition that $w,w'\in W$ represent the same double coset in
$P(F)\backslash G(F)/K$ if and only if $w,w'$ lie in the same double coset in $W_{M_P}\backslash W/\pi(W_K)$.