We continue On some optimal containers of a set of points on the 2D plane.
Let us define a biconvex lens as the intersection of two circular disks - not necessarily of the same radii. Such a figure has an 'oriented' nature - the special orientation being the line joining the two centers.
Question: Given a set of n points on the plane to find the smallest biconvex lens that contains them all. A brute-force O(n^7) algorithm can be found very easily. But what is the optimal algorithm? Is there (say) a randomized incremental algorithm on the lines given in https://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/754/Lects/754lects.pdf (page 45)?
Note 1: In the above definition, 'Smallest' could mean smallest area or smallest perimeter - I don't have an example where the two optimizations yield different biconvex lenses.
Note 2: How constraining the two radii of the lens to be equal could impact the algorithm(s) I am not sure.
Note 3: As noted above, the biconvex lens is an 'oriented convex container' - a bunch of questions on this type of figures (some questions have been solved subsequently) were recorded at pages linked to https://nandacumar.blogspot.com/2023/04/oriented-containers-again-biconvex.html.