On a famous website I've seen the following: The skeletons of the simple polyhedra correspond to the triangulated graphs, the smallest of which are illustrated above. That "illustration above" shows only triangulated planar graphs.
- Does it mean that the skeleton of a square pyramide or a triangular prism is a also a triangulation?
or does "correspond" mean:
- a triangulated graph is the skeleton of a simple polyhedron?
or is it a wrong formulation?
@Manfred Weis: What confuses me is the last sentence on the Simple polyhedron page on Wolfram: "The skeletons of the simple polyhedra correspond to the triangulated graphs,..." https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SimplePolyhedron.html
I understand the contrary: " triangulated graphs are the skeletons of simple polyhedra" but not the formulation above in Italics.