Let $a(n)$ be A060831, i.e., $\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}\operatorname{number of odd divisors of} k$.
Let $$\ell(n)=\left\lfloor\log_2 n\right\rfloor$$ Let $$b(n,k)=2b(n,k-1)-2^{k-1}, b(n,0)=n$$ Let $c(n)$ be the sequence of even numbers $k$ such that $b(k,\ell(k)+1)\equiv 0 \pmod k$.
Let $d(n)$ be A082662, i.e, numbers $k$ such that the odd part of $k$ is less than $\sqrt{2k}$.
I conjecture that $c(n)$ is a subsequence of $d(n)$.
I also conjecture that $c(a(n))=2^n$.
One may verify last conjecture using the following PARI prog:
f(n)=my(A=n); for(i=0,logint(n, 2), A*=2; A-=2^i); Mod(A, n)
my(z=1, z1=0, A=0); for(k=1, 59, while(!(f(2^(z1+1)*(2^z1+z-1))==0 && z<=3*2^z1), if(z>=3*2^z1, z1=z1++; z=1, z++)); my(B=2^(z1+1)*(2^z1+z-1), C=logint(B, 2)==valuation(B, 2)); A+=C; print([k,C,A,B]); z++);
Is there a way to prove it?