The problem
Consider a $C²$ function $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$, for some compact set $X \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ with $C^1$ boundary, say $\partial X$. I am only interested in $d\in \{2,3\}$.
Then, consider the quantity -- called the spherical mean,
f_x(t) := \int_{S^{d-1}} f(x + t \omega) \mathbb{1}(x + t \omega\in X ) \mathrm{d}\sigma^{d-1}(\omega).
What is known about the regularity of of the map $X \to \mathbb{R}: x\mapsto f_x(t)$?
In particular, if the function $f$ is bounded below on $X$, can the map be $C^{1,\alpha}$ (differentiable with $\alpha$-Hölder gradient) for almost all $t \in [0, \operatorname{diam}(X)]$. If yes, what is the maximal value of $\alpha$?
Can we get a better $\alpha$ if $\partial X$ is $C^2$? Can one get a grasp of the dependency on $t$ of the Hölder constant, when defined?
Attempt I tried to find some references. I can find counterexamples where it does not work for certain $t$'s, hence the statement for almost all $t$. I also tried to do the computations by hand relying on the definitions. I end up dealing with differences of indicators on sets which are quite tedious and I am wondering if there is no theorem in (harmonic) analysis that already fulfils my needs.