All my 2-categories, 2-functors, 2-(co)limits etc. are per default weak (or pseudo- or bi- if you so like).
One can unfold a 2-functor $M: K\to Cat$ into the 2-category $el(M)$ of its elements, and any representation of $M$ will be a 2-initial object in that 2-category. Unfortunately, and in contrast to the 1-categorical case, a 2-initial object in $el(M)$ need not be a representation of $M$. Still, the full sub-2-category of representations in $el(M)$ will be 2-contractible (if a representation exists), so that a 2-representation is unique up to a 2-contractible choice.
Definition 1. The 2-category $el(M)$ has the following cells.
The 0-cells are pairs $(C,m)$, where $m\in M(C)$.
A 1-cell $(C,M)\to (D,n)$ consists of a 1-cell $f:C\to D$ in $K$ together with an isomorphism $f_\ast m \cong n$. Here $f_\ast m$ is an abbreviation for $(Mf)(m)$. I will not give extra notation the isomorphism $f_\ast m\cong n$, although it is part of the data of the 1-cell.
A 2-cell $\theta:f\to g$ in $el(M)$ is a $2$-cell $\theta:f\to g$ in $K$ such that $\theta_\ast m$ is the composite $f_\ast m\cong n=n\cong g_\ast m$.
The composition of 2-cells is just that of $K$. Given 1-cells $f:(C,m)\to (D,n)$ and $g:(D,n)\to (E,l)$ in $el(M)$, we let their composite be the morphism $gf$ together with the isomorphism $$(gf)_\ast m \cong g_\ast(f_\ast m)\cong g_\ast n\cong l$$The coherence cells of $el(M)$ are those of $K$. I am skipping over a lot of details here, but it feels like it should work out (this is always a dangerous thing to say).
Definition 2. A 2-initial object in a 2-category $E$ is an object $I$ such that for each other $0$-cell $X$ the 1-category $E(I,X)$ is 1-contractible. More explicitly, this means that there is one and precisely one invertible $2$-cell between any two $1$-cells $I\to X$, and $E(I,X)$ is not empty.
Claim 1. If $(X,u)$ is a representation of $M$, then $(C,u)$ is 2-initial in $el(M)$.
Proof. Let $(A,m)$ be any other 0-cell in $el(M)$. The fact that "evaluation at $u$" is an equivalence $$K(X,A)\to M(A)$$ means that I can find some $f:X\to A$ together with an isomorphism $f_\ast u \cong m$. This means that there is at least one 1-cell $(X,u)\to (A,m)$. Assume that $g$ is a second such 1-cell in $el(M)$. Then $g$ comes equipped with a choice of an isomorphism $g_\ast u \cong m$. A 2-cell $f\to g$ in $el(M)$ consists of a 2-cell $\theta: f\to g$ in $K$ such that $\theta_\ast m$ is the composite $f_\ast u \cong m \cong g_\ast u$.The fact that $K(X,A)\to M(A)$ is an equivalence of 1-categories tells me also that there is one and precisely one such $\theta$. $\square$
Let us denote by $rep(M)$ the full 2-subcategory of $el(M)$ with 0-cells the 2-representations of $M$.
Claim 2. The 2-category $rep(M)$ is 2-contractible. This means that the 2-functor $rep(M) \to pt$ is a 2-equivalence.
Proof. What this means in elementary terms is that each hom-1-category in $el(M)$ must be 1-contractible. That is, whenever there are two representations $(A,a)$ and $(B,b)$, then there must be at least one 1-cell $(A,a)\to (B,b)$, and whenever there is another one then the two 1-cells are comparable by a unique 2-cell which is also invertible. But we see immediately that this is the case, because we have already shown that all the representations are 2-initial objects. $\square$
Claim 3. Unfortunately, being 2-initial in $el(M)$ doesn't automatically mean that you are a 2-representation of $M$. So while $el(M)$ answers the question how unique representations are, it does not characterize them.
Proof. This is in length discussed in the paper Bi-initial objects and bi-representations are not so different by tslil clingman AND LYNE MOSER, which by accident asks precisely my question in the middle of page 2. :) I only found the text weeks after I have asked the question. It also contains some positive results. $\square$