For a strict pullback of strict 2-functors, the 0-, 1-, and 2-cells of the pullback are precisely the pullbacks of the underlying sets of cells.
Strict pullbacks of pseudofunctors do not generally exist. For instance, if $C$ and $E$ are the ordered set with 3 elements $x\xrightarrow{f} y\xrightarrow{g} z$, and $D$ is this category with an extra morphism $x\xrightarrow{h} z$ that is isomorphic to $g f$, while $F$ and $G$ act as the identity on objects but $F(gf) = gf$ while $G(gf) =h$, then in the strict pullback there would be no morphisms $x\to z$, hence nothing for the composite of $f$ and $g$ to be.
If in addition to the 1-cells involving a 2-cell in $D$, the 0-cells involve a 1-cell in $D$, then you have a comma category or pseudo-pullback. This is usually the sensible thing to look at when working with pseudofunctors (and pseudonatural transformations), which is why there's more literature on it; the 1-category of pseudofunctors is not very well behaved. There are various choices depending on what you take to be invertible. For instance, if everything is invertible then an object will consist of objects of $C$ and $E$ and an isomorphism or equivalence between their images in $D$, a 1-cell will consist of 1-cells in $C$ and $E$ and a 2-isomorphism filling the appropriate square in $D$, and a 2-cell will consist of 2-cells in $C$ and $E$ making a cylinder commute in $D$.
If you want the 0-cells to be a strict pullback but the 1-cells to involve a 2-cell in $D$, then you are looking at comma objects or pseudo-pullbacks in the 2-category of 2-categories, functors, and icons. These always exist, even if the functors are only pseudo: the 0-cells are as in the strict case, the 1-cells are a pair of 1-cells in $C$ and $E$ with a (globular, not square!) 2-isomorphism between their images in $D$, and the 2-cells are a pair of 2-cells in $C$ and $E$ making a square of 2-cells commute in $D$.
The various kinds of pullback are, indeed, not equivalent in general. But they are equivalent (though not isomorphic) if one of the functors $C\to D$ or $E\to D$ is a "fibration" in a suitable sense, i.e. admits lifting of isomorphisms/equivalences/2-isomorphisms (depending on the kind of pullback you're looking at).