Let $K=\mathbb{Q}_p$ and $X$ a smooth separated rigid analytic variety over $K$ with coherent sheaf $\mathcal{F}$. Furthermore, $U \subset X$ is an open subvariety with admissible covering $$ \dotsb \subset U_n \subset U_{n+1} \dotsb $$ of open subvarieties. Let $Z:=X \setminus U$ and $Z_n:=X \setminus U_n$, i.e. we have $$ \dotsb \supset Z_n \supset Z_{n+1} \dotsb $$ and $\bigcap_{n \in \mathbb{N}}Z_n=Z$.
Then, Proposition 4 in Section 2 of Schneider and Stuhler - The cohomology of $p$-adic symmetric spaces gives a short exact sequence
$$ 0 \rightarrow {\varprojlim_n}^{(1)}H^{*-1}_{Z_n}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow H^{*}_{Z}(X,\mathcal{F}) \xrightarrow{g} {\varprojlim_n}H^{*}_{Z_n}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow 0.$$
The proof of that Proposition tells us, that the sequence is induced by considering two standard spectral sequences for the hypercohomology of the functor $\varprojlim$.
I was wondering if the surjection $g:H^{*}_{Z}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow {\varprojlim_n}H^{*}_{Z_n}(X,\mathcal{F})$ is the morphism induced by the universal property of the inverse limit applied to the natural composition
$$H^{*}_{Z}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow H^{*}_{Z_{n+1}}(X,\mathcal{F}) \xrightarrow{f_{n,n+1}} H^{*}_{Z_{n}}(X,\mathcal{F})$$ coming from the chain $Z \subset Z_{n+1} \subset Z_{n}$. Here, the $f_{n,n+1}$ are the transition maps defining the inverse limit ${\varprojlim_n}H^{*}_{Z_n}(X,\mathcal{F}).$ Or equivalently, is $g$ composed with the natural projection $$p_n:{\varprojlim_n}H^{*}_{Z_n}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow H^{*}_{Z_{n}}(X,\mathcal{F})$$ the natural morphism $\varphi:H^{*}_{Z}(X,\mathcal{F}) \rightarrow H^{*}_{Z_{n}}(X,\mathcal{F})$ induced by the inclusion $Z \subset Z_n$?