Let $M$ be closed 3-manifold and $\alpha\in H^1(M;\mathbb Z_2)$ an arbitrary element. (In my case we know that $M$ is non-orientable and $\alpha^3=0$.) It is well known that there is a closed 2-submanifold $S\subset M$ so that $[S]=\alpha$. But there are a lot of such $S$.
Question: what can we say about these $S$ itself?
E.g., is there any known lower bounds of the genus of such $S$, in terms of some invariants of $M$?
Conjecture. If $\alpha^2=0$, then $S$ can be chosen so that the normal bundle $\mathcal{N}S$ is trivial. (The opposite implication is clear.)
I think I need some references (books/articles) with theorems of this sort.