There is a subtle point to make between the verificationist notion of proof and the notion of proof captured by $\Box$ in GL Provability Logic.
In GL, $\Box p$ is interpreted to be $Bew(\ulcorner p \urcorner)$, which is an encoding in an arithmetic theory $\mathcal T$ of a proof of $p$ in $\mathcal T$.
Verificationist logics use a broader, slightly nebulous notion of proof, which is not limited to proofs in a theory that can be encoded by that theory. Some verificationists would say that a proof is anything that can be constructively demonstrated according to axioms and/or inference rules. In this way, a verificationist can speak about different orders of mathematical/logical language without having to talk about different provability predicates/operators.
This difference is elucidated by the hallmark result of provability logic, namely Löb’s Theorem:
$\Box (\Box p \to p) \to \Box p$. This result amounts to the fact that arithmetic theories are incomplete, which implies that they cannot prove either consistency or soundness. Since $\Box (\Box p \to p)$ is an encoding of a proof of localized soundness w.r.t $p$, we can’t have soundness for the whole system be provable in the system since per Löb, $\Box \bot$ would then be a theorem. However, verificationist notions of proof don’t make reference to a specific proof system, but rather validate what holds for a prover that is capable of always using stronger theories. As such, some reasonable assumptions like “if $p$ is provably provable, then $p$ is provable,” are made. This is clearly a desirable result, especially for a propositional logic in which formulas are interpreted in terms of what a thinking agent can prove, as opposed to what can be encoded by a formal theory.
As a side-note, I prefer to say “$p$ is verified” as opposed to “$p$ is provable” in verificationist contexts.