Let $0<a_1 \le a_2 \le \cdots \le a_n$ be positive integers such that $a_1 + \cdots + a_n = m$ and $\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_n)=1$. Let $\mathbf a :=(a_1,\ldots,a_n)\in\mathbb Z^n$ and $\mathbf x:=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\in\mathbb Z^n$. Consider the equation $$ \mathbf a\cdot \mathbf x = a_1 x_1 + \cdots + a_n x_n \equiv k \pmod m~.\tag{1}\label{1} $$ By Bézout's lemma, there are integral solutions to the above equation for any integer $k$.
Question: For any integer $k$, can we find integral solutions to \eqref{1} such that $|x_i| \le c\cdot\frac{m}{n}$ for every $i=1,\ldots,n$, i.e., $\mathbf x \in [-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$? Equivalently, does the set $\{\mathbf a\cdot \mathbf x:\mathbf x\in[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n\cap\mathbb Z^n\}$ contain all congruence classes modulo $m$?
Here, $c\ge1$ is a real constant independent of all other parameters. I am fine with $c>1$ but in all the examples I have tried, $c=1$ was enough.
Attempt 1: Using this answer to a related question, I could show that $|x_i|\le a_1 \le \frac{m}{n}$ for $i=2,\ldots,n$, but I am not sure how to handle $x_1$. In fact, when $a_1 = 1$, this bound is too strong on $x_2,\ldots,x_n$.
Attempt 2: Consider the lattice $\Lambda := \{ \mathbf x\in\mathbb Z^n: \mathbf a \cdot \mathbf x = 0\}$ of rank $n-1$. If $\mathbf x_k$ is a particular solution to \eqref{1} with $k\pmod m$ on the right hand side, then $\mathbf x_k + \Lambda + \mathbb Z\mathbf 1$ is the set of all solutions, where $\mathbf 1:=(1,\ldots,1)\in\mathbb Z^n$. If a fundamental domain of $\Lambda$ is contained completely within the cube $[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$, then it is possible to show that the answer to the above question is yes with some $c'\ge c$. I know that the volume of the fundamental domain is $\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2$ but I don't know how to control its shape.
One way to circumvent this is to use the covering radius. Let $\rho$ be the covering radius of $\Lambda$, i.e., $\rho$ is the radius of the smallest ball that always contains a lattice point of $\Lambda$ irrespective of where its center is. If $\rho = O(\frac{m}{n})$, then I know how to answer the question for some $c\ge 1$. However, I couldn't find any nice upper bounds on the covering radius. This paper discusses several bounds but none of them seems to be strong enough. One of them, equation (30), seems promising but it involves the ratio of successive minima $\frac{\lambda_{n-1}}{\lambda_1}$ which I don't know how to bound.
I would appreciate any other approaches to answer the question in affirmative for some $c\ge 1$.
Update 1:$\DeclareMathOperator{\vol}{\operatorname{vol}}$
Attempt 3: Let $r_k$ be the number of integer points in the cube $[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$ that correspond to the congruence class $k\pmod m$. Say $r_k \le R$ for each $k$. Since $\sum_k r_k = (\frac{2cm}{n})^n$, we have $r_k \ge (\frac{2cm}{n})^n - (m-1)R$. If we can show that $R<\frac{1}{m-1}(\frac{2cm}{n})^n$, then we are done.
Consider the hyperplane $H:=\{\mathbf x\in\mathbb R^n: \mathbf a \cdot \mathbf x = 0\}$. It is clear that $\Lambda = H\cap \mathbb Z^n$. Consider the set of hyperplanes given by $\mathcal H_k := H+\mathbb Z(\frac{k}{m}\mathbf 1)$. The hyperplanes in $\mathcal H_k$ are all parallel with spacing $\frac{m}{\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2}$. Note that the intersection $\mathcal H_k\cap [-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$ contains the $r_k$ integer points associated with the congruence class $k\pmod m$. Since the fundamental domain of $\Lambda$ has volume $\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2$, the number of integer points on $\mathcal H_k\cap [-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$ is upper bounded by $$ r_k \le \frac{\vol_{n-1}(\mathcal H_k\cap[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n)}{\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2}~, $$ where the numerator is the sum of volumes of all the layers in $\mathcal H_k\cap[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n$. For large $c$, we have more and more layers intersecting the cube. In the spirit of Riemann sum, we can approximate this sum in the numerator as $$ \vol_{n-1}\left(\mathcal H_k\cap\left[-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}\right]^n\right) \approx \frac{\vol_n([-\frac{cm}{n},\frac{cm}{n}]^n)}{m/\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2} = \frac{\Vert \mathbf a\Vert_2}{m} \left(\frac{2cm}{n}\right)^n~.\tag{2}\label{2} $$ Therefore, $r_k \le \frac{1}{m} \left(\frac{2cm}{n}\right)^n = R$, and hence we are done.
Note that $c$ seemed to play no role in the above argument so I am definitely doing something wrong. Indeed, the approximation in \eqref{2} must have some corrections which should give an estimate of how large $c$ should be, but I don't seem to have a good way to analyze them. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Update 2:
As Fedor pointed out in the comments below, there is an equivalent reformulation of the above question:
Reformulation: Given any $\mathbf x\in H$, is there a $\mathbf y\in H\cap \mathbb Z^n$ such that $\Vert \mathbf x - \mathbf y \Vert_\infty \le \frac{Cm}{n}$?
Also, in the comments below Mark's answer, I gave three examples where I think my question has a positive answer.