$\newcommand{\si}{\sigma}\newcommand{\ep}{\varepsilon}$The answer is no. If the sequence $(a_n)$ is lacunary enough, then $H_\si(t)$ may behave for some large $t$ roughly as just one of the summands $\frac{4^{n \si}}{4^n+t^2} a_n$, so that for such $t$ we have $H_\si(t)\ll t^{-2+\ep}$ for every real $\ep>0$, and hence, for any given $\si'>0$, the inequality $H_\si(t)\gg t^{-2(1-\si')}$ will not hold for all large enough $t$. We write $A\ll B$ and $B\gg A$ if $A=O(B)$.
To simplify notations, let
u:=t^2,\quad s:=\si,\quad s':=\si',
so that
H_\si(t)=h_s(u):=\sum_n \frac{4^{sn}}{4^n+u}\, a_n. \tag{1}\label{1}
Take a natural number $b\in\{3,4,\dots\}$, which should be thought of as fixed but large enough (depending only on $s$), as large as needed wherever needed. Let
a_n:=\frac1{b^j}\text{ if $n=b^j$ for some natural $j$, with $a_n=0$ otherwise.}
Then $\sum_n a_n<\infty$ and $\sum_n r^n a_n=\infty$ for every $r>1$. Moreover,
h_s(u)\le g_s(u):=\sum_j c_j(u), \tag{2}\label{2}
Finally, choose
where $k$ is a natural number going to $\infty$, so that $u_k\to\infty$.
Note that $1\le[(1-s)b+s]/2\le b$ for all large enough $b$ (depending only on $s$) and hence
4^{b^k}\le u\le4^{b\,b^k}. \tag{3}\label{3}
So, for natural $j\ge k$ we have
for all large enough $b$.
\sum_{j\ge k} c_j(u)\le2c_k(u). \tag{4}\label{4}
On the other hand, for natural $j\le k-1$ we have
for all large enough $b$; the penultimate inequality follows by \eqref{3}.
\sum_{j\le k-1} c_j(u)\le2c_k(u). \tag{5}\label{5}
By \eqref{2}, \eqref{4}, and \eqref{5},
h_s(u_k)\le 4c_k(u_k)\le4\frac{4^{sb^k}}{u_k}=4u_k^{-p},
which can be made however close to $1$ by letting $b$ be large enough.
Thus, for any real $s'>0$, the statement $h_s(u)\gg u^{-(1-s')}$ will fail to hold, if $b$ is large enough. Equivalently, for any real $s'>0$ and any real $c'>0$, it is not true that $H_s(t)\ge c' t^{-2(1-s')}$ for all large enough $t>0$. $\quad\Box$