Is $\sum_{\rho \text{ irred. }} \deg(\rho) \chi_{\rho}(g)=0$ for every froup element $1\neq g \in G$ of the finite group $G$?
I have searched for but not found a proof to this. Probably it is not so difficult, but has as application that:
$$\det(T_G) = 1$$
where $T_G = (t_{gh^{-1}})_{g,h \in G}$ is the group matrix defined for the functions defined in this answer:
$$\widehat{t_{x}}(\rho) := \mathbf{1}_{d_{\rho}} \exp( \frac{1}{d_{\rho}} \sum_{s \in S}\chi_{\rho}(s) x_s )$$
where $S$ (with $1 \notin S$) generates the finite group $\left< S \right > = G$.
From this we get, since we know by Frobenius, the factorization of the group determinant :
$$\det(T_G) = \prod_{\rho \text{ irred.}} \det( \sum_{g \in G} t_g(x) \rho(g) )^{d_{\rho}} = \prod_{\rho \text{ irred.}} \det( \widehat{t_x}(\rho))^{d_{\rho}} = \prod_{\rho \text{ irred.}} \det( \mathbf{1}_{\rho} \exp \left ( \frac{1}{d_{\rho}} \sum_{s \in S} \chi_{\rho}(s) x_s \right ) )^{d_{\rho}} $$ $$= \prod_{\rho \text{ irred. }} \exp( \sum_{s \in S} \chi_{\rho}(s) x_s)^{\deg(\rho)}$$ $$ =\exp\left( \sum_{\rho \text{ irred.}} \deg(\rho) \sum_{s\in S} \chi_{\rho}(s) x_s \right)$$
and which is equal to:
$$=\exp(\sum_{s \in S} x_s \cdot \left ( \sum_{\rho} \deg(\rho) \chi_{\rho}(s) \right ) ) =^? \exp(0)=1$$
So if the question answers positive, then the determinant should be equal to $1$ .
Thanks for your help.