Are there examples of
- a non-zero C*-algebra which is
- universally generated by
- finitely many projections (not all commuting) together with a unit and plus
- necessarily satisfying some additional relations such that
- there remain no traces?
In other words, is there a non-zero quotient
$$C^*(Z/2*\ldots*Z/2)\to B\to 0$$
which carries no traces?
So basically the question is about the representation theory of $C^*(Z/2*\ldots*Z/2)$:
For instance, can there arise purely infinite projections?
A particular instance I'm curious about is the following:
I remember vaguely that (under certain circumstances) one can surprisingly build partial isometries out of projections solely, and for example, as Yemon Choi mentioned, even obtain the Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_2$. So a particular question I have in mind is:
How can this happen resp. does someone remember a reference for this?
Basically I'm curious about how interesting such quotients can generally look like.
And also more generally, what kind of classes of groups are there with some traceless quotients and what kind of interesting phenomena can happen there?
(Unfortunately, a more narrowed down question might be stepping on someone's toes, and I really wouldn't want to cause some troubles for my colleagues here. So my big apologies that I can't be more specific here. I hope that is understandable.)