Suppose for $\langle P_i : i < \omega \rangle$ is a sequence of countably closed partial orders. Suppose for each $n$, there is a complete embedding $$e_n : \prod_{i<n} P_i \to B(Q),$$ where $Q$ is countably closed, $B(Q)$ is its Boolean completion, the quotient $B(Q)/\mathrm{ran}(e_n)$ is forced to be equivalent to a countably closed partial order, and for $m<n$, $e_n \restriction \prod_{i<m} P_i = e_m$.
Does there exist a complete embedding $e_\omega : \prod_{i<\omega} P_i \to B(Q)$ extending each $e_n$? Can we ensure that $Q/\mathrm{ran}(e_\omega)$ is forced to be equivalent to a countably closed poset? If it helps, also assume each $P_i$ and $Q$ has the property that any descending $\omega$-sequence has an infimum, and the $e_n$’s are continuous.