
This is a crosspost from Math Stack Exchange, please let me know if this is not an appropriate use of crossposting, and I will delete.

Mehler's formula is the following identity for Hermite polynomials $H_n(x)$:


for $|t|<1$. I'm curious if there is a similar formula for a finite sum $$\sum_{n=0}^{N}\frac{t^n}{2^nn!}H_n(x)H_n(y)$$

The Christoffel-Darboux formula offers an answer for the $t=1$ case $$\sum_{n=0}^{N}\frac{1}{2^nn!}H_n(x)H_n(y)=\frac{1}{N!2^{N+1}}\frac{H_N(y)H_{N+1}(x)-H_N(x)H_{N+1}(y)}{x-y}$$

Is there a more general formula for $t\neq 1$?

After playing around with it a bit, I've reduced the sum to a double integral:


Where $\Gamma(N+1,-\frac{uvt}{2})$ is the incomplete Gamma function $$\Gamma(N+1,-\frac{uvt}{2})=\int_{-\frac{uvt}{2}}^{\infty}dr\,r^Ne^{-r}=\Big(\frac{uvt}{2}\Big)^{N+1}\int_{-1}^{\infty}dr\,r^Ne^{-uvtr/2}$$

Though I am having a hard time finding a closed form expression for this integral.



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