Let $m\geq1$ and $P$ be an arbitrary poset with vertex set $V=\{v_1,\dots,v_n\}$, edge set $E,$ and set $O$ of orbits under $\text{Aut}(P).$ Can we efficiently generate all inequivalent nonnegative weight assignments $\alpha:V\to\mathbb{N}$ such that $\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha(v_i)=m$ from this information alone or do we need all inequivalent $\alpha$ with sum $\leq m$ for all $|P|<n?$ My goal is to obtain them for every $P$ (up to isomorphism) with $|P|\leq10$.
If an inductive procedure is needed, maybe it will involve something along the following lines.
Fix an orbit $o\in O$ and weight assignment $\alpha$ on $V\setminus o$ with sum $m-m'.$ For each $v\in o$ and orbit $o'\neq o,$ let $N_\alpha(v,o',w)$ be the number of incoming edges to $v$ from vertices in $o'$ with weight $w.$ For each $v_i,v_j\in o$ we set $v_i\sim_{o'}v_j$ iff $N_\alpha(v_i,o',w)=N_\alpha(v_j,o',w)$ for all $w\geq0,$ and $v_i\sim v_j$ iff $v_i\sim_{o'}v_j$ for all $o'\neq o.$
Let the equivalence classes under $\sim$ have cardinalities $a_1,\dots,a_h.$ For each composition $(c_1,\dots,c_h)$ of $m'$ with nonnegative parts (one part to each class), we compute all possible combinations of partitions of $c_i$ with $a_i$ nonnegative parts (one part to each vertex).
I think the weight assignments produced by these partitions will be inequivalent, as will the entire collection obtained by repeating the above for all inequivalent $\alpha\text{'s}$ on $V\setminus o,$ but major issues remain such as how do we choose $o,$ etc.