Let $M$ be a manifold of dimension $3$ and let $N$ be an embedded submanifold of $M$ (also of dimension $3$).
Then, both second homologies $H_2(M)$ and $H_2(N,\delta N)$ are equipped with a norm (technically a semi-norm if we don't assume more properties, but not relevant here), called Thurston's norm.
I am wondering whether there is any relation between the two normed vector spaces $H_2(M)$ and $H_2(N,\delta N)$. More precisely, if $i \colon N \to M$ is the embedding, is there some induced map $i_* \colon H_2(N, \delta N) \to H_2(M)$ of normed vector spaces, possibly making the construction functorial.
The main issue for me here is that if $x \in H_2(N,\delta N)$ is represented by a surface (possibly not connected) with boundaries, I don't see a canonical way to extend this surface to a closed surface in $M$.