This is actually true in a somewhat greater generality:
Claim: Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra with approximate identity $(u_\lambda)$. Let $\pi:A\rightarrow\mathcal B(H)$ be a non-degenerate representation. Then $\pi(u_\lambda)\rightarrow 1_H$ strongly.
This even works for Banach algebras with a bounded approximate identity, acting on Banach spaces.
Non-degeneracy means that a typical element of $H$ is of the form $\xi = \pi(a)\eta$, and so $\lim_\lambda \pi(u_\lambda)\xi = \lim_\lambda \pi(u_\lambda a)\eta = \pi(a)\eta = \xi$. Linearity and density (and using that $(u_\lambda)$ is a bounded net) shows that $\lim_\lambda \pi(u_\lambda)\xi = \xi$ for any $\xi\in H$. But this shows exactly that $\pi(u_\lambda)\rightarrow 1$ strongly.
In your case, $\pi_\omega$, restricted to $A$, is non-degenerate. We need to equivalently show that if $\eta\in H_\omega$ with $\pi_\omega(a)\eta=0$ for all $a\in A$, then $\eta=0$. The assumption gives that
$$ 0 = (\pi_\omega(a)\eta|\pi_\omega(x)\xi_\omega) =
(\eta|\pi_\omega(a^*x)\xi_\omega) \qquad (x\in M). $$
As $A''=B$, we know that $A$ is weak$^*$-dense in $B$ and so $(u_\lambda)\rightarrow 1$ weak$^*$ in $B$. Thus $\pi_\omega(u_\lambda x) \rightarrow \pi_\omega(x)$ weak$^*$ (hence weakly) as $\pi_\omega$ is normal. So
$$ (\eta|\pi(x)\xi_\omega) = \lim_\lambda (\eta|\pi(u_\lambda x)\xi_\omega)
= 0 \qquad (x\in M). $$
By (the GNS) construction, $\{ \pi(x)\xi_\omega : x\in M \}$ is dense in $H_\omega$, so we conclude that $\eta=0$, as required.
Final comment: The Cohen-Hewitt factorisation theorem in fact shows that every $\xi\in H$ is already equal to $\pi(a)\eta$ for some $a\in A,\eta\in H$.