The title and tags say it all: I am looking for a clean statement and proof of the equivalence of categories between finite étale covers of a connected $k$-scheme and finite continuous permutation representations of the étale fundamental group $\pi_1(X, \overline{x})$ given by the fiber functor.
I need this result for my thesis, but I do not have the space necessary to prove it, so I would like a clear reference I can cite. This is stated in passing at the start of Section 6 in Szamuely's Galois Group and Fundamental Groups, but the proof consists of various remarks spread out throughout the entirety of the preceding section, and even then there's some work to be done. If possible, I would love a a wholly contained proof so that I can reference this away. I only need the result for reductive group schemes over the algebraic closure of a finite field, so total generality is not necessary.