
On page 4 of Nitin Nitsure's paper Construction of Hilbert and Quot Schemes, the author refers to the fact that Hilbert polynomials are indeed polynomials as

a special case of Snapper's Lemma, see "An Intersection Theory for Divisors (preprint 1994)" by Steven Kleiman for a proof.

Kleiman's paper (or book?) mentioned by Nitsure must have either changed its title, never gone into publication, or elsehow disappeared, since I am unable to find it. Does anybody have a link, or an alternative source for the proof?

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


A proof by Kleiman can be found in ‘‘Toward a Numerical Theory of Ampleness’’. I suspect it's the intended proof, although the paper is from around 30 years before the cited 1994 preprint.


Note that Nitsure's paper is part of the book FGA Explained. There is a proof of Snapper's lemma in Theorem B.7 of Appendix B ("Basic intersection theory" by Kleiman) in the same book. Kleiman's part of the book can also be found independently on arXiv: 0504020 and contains the relevant appendix.


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