I know that the matrix equation $A X + X A' + C = 0$ is in the form of the time-continuous Lyapunov equation, so solving for $X$ is pretty trivial since the solution already and numeric solvers already exists. However, I don't know how to solve for $X$ when $B X B'$ is added to the equation so that the equation reads:
$$A X + X A' + B X B' + C = 0$$
This is no longer in a form I am familiar with and I was wondering if there is any known solution out there. It should be noted that both $A$ and $B$ are Hermitian ($A= A'$ and $B= B'$) for my purposes. If it helps, $C$ is an identity matrix for my purposes as well.
A*X + X*A'
is parsed with "X + X" in italics, which is not what you want. $A X + X A'$A X + X A'
is almost certainly preferable. I have edited accordingly. $\endgroup$