Define the recurrence \begin{align*} n(2n+x-3)u_n(x) &=2(2n+x-2)(4n^2+4nx-8n-3x+3)u_{n-1}(x) \\ &-4(n+x-2)(2n-3)(2n+2x-3)(2n+x-1)u_{n-2}(x) \end{align*} with initial conditions $u_0(x)=0$ and $u_1(x)=x+1$.
The subject of "Laurent phenomenon" was motivated by Somos sequences. In the same spirit, I ask:
QUESTION. Is it true that each $u_n(x)$ is a polynomial in $x$? In fact, with positive integer coefficients.
EXAMPLES. $u_2(x)=5x^2 + 13x + 6$ and $u_3(x)=22x^3 + 114x^2 + 164x + 60$ and \begin{align*} u_4(x)&=93x^4 + 814x^3 + 2367x^2 + 2606x + 840 \\ u_5(x)&=386x^5 + 5140x^4 + 25030x^3 + 54500x^2 + 51024x + 15120. \end{align*}