Derived mapping spaces between little $d$-disks operads $E_d$ play an important role in embedding calculus. For example, Dwyer-Hess expresses the homotopy of framed long knots as loop spaces such mapping spaces, a result which was generalized by Boavida de Brito-Weiss.
When stating these results, the $E_d$-operad is usually unitary: its space of 0-ary operations is contractible (in fact a point). There is also a non-unitary version $E_d^{nu}$, where replace the $0$-ary operations by an empty set. There is a natural forgetful map from the derived mapping space of unitary operads to that of non-unitary operads
$$Map^h_{\mathsf{Op}}(E_m,E_n) \to Map^h_{\mathsf{Op}}(E_m^{nu},E_n^{nu}).$$
Is this a weak equivalence?
This is known if we assume $m=n$ and we replace the operads by their rationalizations, by Section 7 of Fresse-Willwacher.