Can you provide a proof or a counterexample for the claim given below?
Inspired by an alternative definition of the Frobenius primality test which is given in this paper I have formulated the following claim:
Let $n$ be an odd natural number that is not a perfect square and let $c$ be the smallest odd prime number such that $\left(\frac{c}{n}\right)=-1$ , where $\left(\frac{}{}\right)$ denotes a Jacobi symbol . Let $T_m(x)$ be the mth Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind , then $n$ is prime iff $T_n\left(1+\sqrt{c}\right) \equiv 1- \sqrt{c} \pmod{n}$ .
The test runs in polynomial time , you can try it here. I have verified this claim for $n$ up to $10^{10}$ .
The Android app that implements this test can be found on Google Play.