Let $R$ be a ring and $f:A\to A'$ and $g:B\to B'$ be morphisms of $R$-modules. Let $h:C_{\bullet}\to C_{\bullet}'$ be a morphism of $R$-module complexes fitting in a morphism of distinguished triangles:
$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} C_{\bullet} @>>> A[0] @>>> B[0] @>>> C_{\bullet}[1] \\ @VVhV @VVfV @VVgV @VVh[1]V \\ C_{\bullet}' @>>> A'[0] @>>> B'[0] @>>> C_{\bullet}'[1] \end{CD}$$
From a paper I am reading, the following is used:
If $f$ and $g$ are injective morphisms, we have a quasi-isomorphism $\operatorname{cone}(h)\cong[\operatorname{coker}(f)\to \operatorname{coker}(g)]$.
It seems that the equivalent general statement is wrong, i.e. if $f$ and $g$ are not assumed to be injective and $A[0]$, $A'[0]$, $B[0]$ and $B'[0]$ are not assumed to be concentrated in degree $0$ anymore (see for instance this question).
Does anyone have a proof - if true - of this statement?
Many thanks!