Let $\mathcal A$ be an Abelian category. We can assume it has enough injectives. Let $\operatorname{SES}_{\mathcal A}$ denote the category, of which objects are short exact sequences in $\mathcal A$, and morphisms are triples $(f,f',f'')$ fitting in the diagram $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD}0@>>>E'@>>>E@>>>E''@>>>0\\{}@Vf'VV@VfVV@Vf''VV\\0@>>>F'@>>>F@>>>F''@>>>0.\end{CD}$$
We call an object $[I]\in\operatorname{SES}_{\mathcal A}$ termwise injective if it is a short exact sequence $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD}0@>>>I'@>>>I@>>>I''@>>>0\end{CD}$$ and $I,I',I''$ are injective objects in $\mathcal A$.
Since $\mathcal A$ has enough injectives, for any object $[E]\in\operatorname{SES}_{\mathcal A}$, it has a termwise injective resolution $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD}0@>>>[E]@>>>[I^0]@>>>[I^1]@>>>\cdots\end{CD}$$
Now I want to define $\operatorname{Ext}^2([E],[E])$ as the homology group at middle of the following sequence $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD}\prod_k\operatorname{Hom}([I^k],[I^{k+1}])@>>>\prod_k\operatorname{Hom}([I^k],[I^{k+2}])@>>> \prod_k\operatorname{Hom}([I^k],[I^{k+3}])\end{CD}. $$
Here I want to ask whether the construction above is independent on the resolution.