A homogeneous structure is a countable first order structure $M$ over a relational language such that any isomorphism between finite substructures of $M$ can be extended to an automorphism of $M$.
Lachlan proved that if $M$ is any stable countably homogeneous structure over a finite relational language $\mathcal{L}$, then $M$ is a union of a chain $\{M_n : n ∈ \Bbb{N}\}$ of finite homogeneous $\mathcal{L}$-structures, and each sentence $σ ∈ Th(M)$ holds in all but finitely many of $M_n$.
I think that Lachlan proved this theorem based upon graph theory because he mainly works on model based graph theory. I wonder which of Lachlan's papers (or papers/books by others) contains the proof of this theorem.