I would suspect that non-classical arguments are needed to do so.
All you need to know is that $t\mapsto \frac 1{1+t}$ is a decreasing function, so for $0<x\le x'$ we have $\frac{\log(1+x')}{\log(1+x)}\le \frac {x'}x$. This immediately implies that the mapping $T:(x,y)\mapsto (y,a\log(1+x)+b\log(1+y))$ is non-expanding in the metric $d((x,y),(x',y'))=max(|\log x-\log x'|,|\log y-\log y'|)$ on $(0,+\infty)^2$ and $T^2$ is a weak contraction ($d(T^2p,T^2q)<d(p,q)$ if $p\ne q$).
The next step is to consider the equation $x=(a+b)\log(1+x)$ and notice that either $a+b\le 1$ (in which case the iterations trivially converge to $(0,0)$, i.e., "escape to infinity" in our metric) or $a+b>1$ in which case there is a positive solution $x_0$ of that equation and $T$ maps every compact ball $B(p_0,r)$ into itself where $p_0=(x_0,x_0)$ is a fixed point of $T$. If $(u_0,u_1)$ lies in that ball, we can apply the usual result about weak contractions on compact sets to conclude that we have convergence to $p_0$.
but it was closed quickly for a reason that I do not understand.
The closure reason cited on MSE is totally ridiculous IMHO. The very fact that you ask a well-posed mathematical question is a sufficient proof of "relevance to you" and nobody is obliged to verify the "relevance to the community" (whatever it might mean) when asking. The only possible reason for closure I see is that the question is rather trivial, but, given the usual amount of total junk floating on MSE, I doubt that it was what determined its fate. So, please, accept my apologies for the MSE users behavior, ignore this incident and keep asking :-)