I am currently faced with the following question:
Consider the public goods game. Suppose that there are $I > 2$ players and that the public goods is supplied (with benefit of 1 for all players) only if at least $K$ players contribute. The players' costs of contribution $\theta_1,...,\theta_I$ are private information, and independently and uniformly distributed on $[0.5, 1.5]$.
Let $K=1$. Prove that there is a symmetric Bayesian Nash equilibrium, where each player contributes if his cost is less than or equal to $c^*$ (same for all players) and 0.5 < $c^*$ < 1.
The probability of at least one player other than $i$ contributing = $c^∗−0.5$. If this happens, then the best response of player i is to not contribute since only one player is required to contribute for everyone to benefit
I am not sure how to proceed. I would appreciate your kind help! Thank you!