I'm trying to understand the first half of the paper "Holomorphic Anosov systems" by E. Ghys (the journal reference is Inventiones mathematicae volume 119, pages 585–614(1995)). My question is about a particular claim that Ghys makes. I am a finishing undergraduate, so I suspect my main issue is missing background.
The setup is a compact complex manifold $M$ equipped with a holomorphic Anosov diffeomorphism $\phi$, and it is assumed that the unstable foliation has complex dimension 1. In the Proof of Proposition 2.2 (in the penultimate sentence of the second paragraph), Ghys says that the leaves of the stable foliation are simply connected, and even diffeomorphic to some euclidean space. He later also uses this fact in the proof of his Theorem B.
I don't understand why this is true and I wasn't able to find some hint or explanation in Ghys' references. Is there some simple explanation, or some good reference, for this fact? Is it special to all of the assumptions I stated in the setup, or is it something more general?