Let $A$ be a fixed 3-by-3 matrix and $Q$ be a rotation matrix whose yaw, pitch, and roll angles are $\phi\in[0,\pi]$, $\theta\in[0,\pi]$, and $\psi\in[0,\pi/2]$, respectively: \begin{equation} Q= \begin{bmatrix} \cos\phi \cos\theta \cos\psi - \sin\phi \sin\psi & \sin\phi \cos\theta \cos\psi + \cos\phi \sin\psi & -\sin\theta \cos\psi \\ -\cos\phi \cos\theta \sin\psi - \sin\phi \cos\psi & -\sin\phi \cos\theta \sin\psi + \cos\phi \cos\psi & \sin\theta \sin\psi \\ \cos\phi \sin\theta & \sin\phi \sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
We define the rotational transformation$B=QAQ^\top$ and a scalar \begin{equation} F(\phi,\theta,\psi)=\left|B_{12}^2-B_{21}^2\right|+\left|B_{13}^2-B_{31}^2\right|+\left|B_{23}^2-B_{23}^2\right| \end{equation}
The entries $B_{ij}$ depend on $(\phi,\theta,\psi)$.
Is is possible to prove the concavity of $F$ for a given $A$? or otherwise find an example of $A$ for which $F$ is not concave ?
I can find numerically the maximum of $F$ for a set of random matrix $A$, but I am enable to find a rigorous way that this maximum is indeed a global or local one.