Let $A$ be a von Neumann algebra. I want to understand the precise meaning of the $\sigma$-weak topology on $A$. What I understand so far is the following: The $\sigma$-weak topology, which we will denote by $\tau$, is the weak$^*$-topology on $A$ (which can be defined since every von Neumann algebra has a (unique) predual $A_*$). It seems that $A_*$ is the Banach space of ultraweakly continuous linear functionals on $A$. But how to understand the ultraweak topology on $A$? Do one use the fact that $A$ is continuously embedded into some $B(H)$?
In addition I have also some other questions regarding the structure of the $\sigma$-weak topology: Is the $\sigma$-weak topology a Hausdorff topology on $A$ and possibly sequentially complete on norm-bounded sets? Is this topology even norming on $A$, i.e., for all $x\in A$ one has that $$ ||x||=\sup_{\substack{\varphi\in(X,\tau)'\\||\varphi||\leq1}}{|\varphi(x)|}. $$ Probably these questions are all trivial to answer, however it would be great to have some references. Could you help me with this? Thank you very much in advance.