For integers $m\geq 1$ let $\sigma(m)$ the sum of divisors function $\sum_{1\leq d\mid m}d$ and let $\psi(m)$ the Dedekind psi function (as reference I add the Wikipedia Dedekind psi function), then there exist integers $n\geq 1$ that satisfy $$\psi(\sigma(n))=2n.\tag{1}$$ I don't know it this equation is in the literature, compare this equation with the equation studied in the second page of [1] (or well from the last paragraph of the article Totient Function from the encyclopedia Wolfram MathWorld).
Up to $10^4$ these solutions are $n=2,3,4,16,64$ and $4096$. I believe that this sequence isn't in the OEIS, I've searched also the string psi(sigma(n)). It is easy to prove the following statement.
Claim. If $2^{\alpha+1}-1$ is a Mersenne prime, then $n=2^{\alpha}$ is a solution of the equation $(1)$.
Question. I would like to know if it is possible to do more work about the solutions of the equation $$\psi(\sigma(n))=2n.$$ What additional and reasonable* work can be done about it? Many thanks.
*I'm asking about if we can deduce more statements about the solutions (characterization of solutions and if there exist finitely/infinitely many solutions) of $(1)$.
Remarks. The functions $\sigma(n)$ and $\psi(n)$ are multuiplicative. It is unknown if there exist infinitely many Mersenne primes. As a side remark the integer $n=3$ also is a solution, for which $2n-1=5\in$A175611 from the OEIS.
[1] L. Alaoglu and P. Erdös, A conjecture in elementary number theory, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 50, Number 12 (1944), 881-882.