Consider the ode $$ f''(t)-e^{-2t} f(t)=0. $$ What is the general behaviour of $|f|$ for large $t$s?
Is it true that there exists an $A\in \mathbb{R}$ and there exists a positive $B$ such that $|f(t)|\sim A+Bt $ for all large enough $t$?
Consider the ode $$ f''(t)-e^{-2t} f(t)=0. $$ What is the general behaviour of $|f|$ for large $t$s?
Is it true that there exists an $A\in \mathbb{R}$ and there exists a positive $B$ such that $|f(t)|\sim A+Bt $ for all large enough $t$?
The general solution of this differential equation is $$ f \left( t \right) =a\,{{ I}_{0}\left({{\rm e}^{-t}}\right) }+b\,{{ K}_{0}\left({{\rm e}^{-t}}\right)} $$ where $I_0$ and $K_0$ are modified Bessel functions. As $t \to +\infty$, $$I_0({\rm e}^{-t}) = 1 + O\left({\rm e}^{-2t}\right)$$ while $$K_0({\rm e}^{-t}) = \ln(2) - \gamma + t + O\left({\rm e}^{-2t}\right) $$
The Mathematica 12.0 code
AsymptoticDSolveValue[ f''[t] - Exp[-2 t]*f[t] == 0, f, {t, Infinity, 1}]
outputs $$c_1 \left(\frac{e^{-4 t}}{64}+\frac{e^{-2 t}}{4}+1\right)+c_2 e^{-2 t} \left(\frac{t}{2}-\frac{\gamma }{2}+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\log (2)}{2}\right)+c_2 (2 t-2 \gamma +2 \log (2)).$$