In general approximation or continuity results for various invariants and functions might be used to extend results from the class $C$ to the class of $C$-approximable groups.
A concrete example is the Determinant Conjecture of W. Lück : it states that for a group $G$ and a matrix $A$ over the group-ring $\mathbb ZG$ its Fuglede--Kadison determinant $\det_{\mathcal NG}(A)$ is $\ge 1$. This has applications to algebraic topology. (For details about this see Lück's book $L^2$-invariants : theory and applications to geometry and $K$-theory, especially Chapter 13.) Note that in general it is not known whether $\det_{\mathcal NG}(A) > 0$.
This conjecture holds for all residually finite groups, and this is established as follows : it is trivial for $G$ finite where the Fuglede--Kadison determinant is essentially the product of singular values (eigenvalues of the symmetrised matrix). Then one proves that in a sequence of finite quotients $G_n$ approximating (sofically) $G$, if the matrices $A_n$ are the images of $A$ we have
$$ \limsup_{n\to +\infty} \det{}_{\mathcal NG_n} \le \det{}_{\mathcal NG}(A) $$
and the result follows immediately (this is written up in detail in loc. cit.). I think the argument immediately extends to any sofic approximation though I'm not sure if the details are written up somewhere.