I'm working on a paper that requires bounding
$$\Pr\left[|\vec x^\top Q \vec y| >= t\right]$$ where $Q$ is a matrix (happens to be symmetric) and $\vec x,\vec y$ are iid real mean-zero subgaussian random vectors. As I understand it, the Hanson-Wright inequality bounds this as $$2\exp\left(-c \cdot\min\left(\frac{t^2}{k^4 ||Q||_F^2}, \frac{t}{k^2||Q||_2}\right)\right)$$ where $k$ is the subgaussian parameter and $c$ is an absolute constant.
But I'm trying to derive an actual numerical bound. Is there a paper which gives an actual value of $c$, preferably a tight one? Possibly it would be different for the two sides of the min(). Thanks.