This is related to the Funk transform. To a continuous function on the sphere it associates a map from the set of great circles to $\mathbb{R}$ that sends a great circle to the integral of the function along it. This transformation is invertible on even functions, that is one can reconstruct such a function from its integrals over the great circles.
(The Euclidean space analog is the Radon transform that was introduced at about the same time.)
In your case the function is not continuous, but a density concentrated on a curve. I think the inversion still works, but I am not completely sure.
On the other hand, if the curve is smooth (and generic in some way), then it should be sufficient to know those great circles which intersect it an odd number of times: the curve will be the envelope of this family.
As for the Crofton formula on the sphere, it exists indeed and is quite often used in differential geometry (for example in the proofs of Fenchel and Fary-Milnor theorems on the total curvature of space curves and knots).