Maybe to add to the point of calculating $\max_{P_\varepsilon} \mathbb{E}_{P_\varepsilon}[f]$: I will write this a bit more in line with the literature I will refer to. Let $(X, d)$ be some polish space and a probability measure $\bar{\nu} \in \mathcal{P}(X)$ fix. Then the problem is
\Phi(f) :=\sup_{\nu \in \mathcal{P}(X):\\ W_1(\bar{\nu},\nu) \leq \varepsilon} \int f d\nu
This problem is well studied, even for more general "transport distances" (Wasserstein distances but with more general cost functions, not just metrices).
More or less, one has a dual representation, which for the above example reads
\Phi(f) = \inf_{\lambda \geq 0}\left( \lambda \varepsilon + \int_{X} \sup_{y \in X} \left(f(y) - \lambda d(x,y)\right) \bar{\nu}(dx)\right).
Aside from the fact that this can be numerically solved in some cases (see first source below), it also has a kind of sampling interpretation (This isn't in the literature I think, and more of a personal viewpoint):
To evaluate $\int f d\bar\nu$ one could of course simple sample points $x\sim \bar\nu$ and take as sample value $f(x)$.
To evaluate $\sup_{\nu \in \mathcal{P}(X):\\ W_1(\bar{\nu},\nu) \leq \varepsilon} \int f d\nu$, the duality formula motivates a similar scheme. Pretending that $\lambda$ is fix, one can sample points $x \sim \bar{\nu}$ and points $y_{x,1},...,y_{x,N}$ in a neighborhood of $x$ and take as one sample value $\sup_{i=1,...,N} f(y_{x,i}) - \lambda d(x,y_{x,i})$. (Finding $\lambda$ and including the term $\lambda \varepsilon$ must be done as well of course)
Sources: (first paper in this respect afaik, but not quite so general. Includes a linear programming formulation for the dual in case that $\bar\nu$ is sum of diracs) (more general duality, see Theorem 1)
An interesting extension is studied in (See Theorem 2.4 for the duality) which includes problems of the form
\sup_{\nu \in \mathcal{P}(X)} \int f d\nu - \varphi(W_1(\bar\nu,\nu))
which reduces to $\Phi(f)$ if $\varphi(x) = \infty$ for $x \geq \varepsilon$ and $\varphi(x) = 0$, else.