Let $(M_i,g_i,x_i)$ be a sequence of stochastically complete pointed Riemannanian manifolds ($x_i$ being the marked point on $M_i$) of injectivity radius uniformly bounded from below, Gromov-Haussdorf converging to an other stochastically complete manifold $(M_{\infty},g_{\infty},x_{\infty})$ (of same dimension from the assumption on the injectivity radius). I am interested in the convergence of the associated family of heat kernels $p_i(x,y,t)$ to the heat kernel of the limit manifold $p_{\infty}(x,y,t)$.
More precisely;
We fixe $R,t > 0$ and we denote by $B(x,R)$ the ball centered at $x$ on radius $R$, do we have uniform convergence over the product $B(x_i,R) \times B(x_i,R)$ of the function $p_i(\cdot,\cdot,t)$ to the function $p_{\infty}(\cdot, \cdot,t)$ defined on the product $B(x_{\infty},R) \times B(x_{\infty},R)$ as $i \to \infty$ ?
The special case I am ultimately looking for concerns a sequence of Galois covers of a given compact manifold, converging to some limit Galois cover. As a toy model, I checked it for the sequence of metric circles $\mathbb{R}/ (i\mathbb{Z})$ using some Fourier analysis, and it seems to be true in this case.
Thank you for your reading.