Is seems to me that it makes sense to presume some relations between derivatives of Dirac delta functions and its powers. I wonder, whether someone proposed a similar theory?
Particularly, it could make sense that
$$\frac{\pi^3 \delta(0) ^3}{6}+\frac{\pi \delta(0) }{12}=-\pi \delta''(0)$$
In such formalism, the more "inner" peaks of the distribution (when we approximate it with a smooth function) would be represented by higher powers of $\pi\delta(0)$.
I wonder whether similar relations ever arised as a formal method or in any other form.
This paper seemingly makes an attempt, but their results are quite different. Particularly, following their paper
which is different from the above expression. To my view, their approach has many weaknessess, particularly, in my view $\delta''(0)$ should have the opposite sign than $\delta^3(0)$ (which is the case if we approximate delta function with a smooth curve).