For integer $n>1$ define $q(n)=\frac{\log(\rm{rad}(n))}{\log(n)}$ where $\rm{rad}(n)$ is the radical of $n$, the product of the disctinct prime factors.
For real $A$ and integer $N$ define $S_{N,A}=\#\{n : 1 < n <N,q(n)\le A\}$.
$s(N,A)=\frac{S_{N,A}}{N}$ and $s^*(N,A)=\frac{\log(S_{N,A})}{\log(N)}$.
Q1. Are there lower bounds for $s(N,A)$ or $s^*(N,A)$?
Q2. Is $s^*(N,1/2) \ge 1/2 +C$ for sufficiently large $N$ and fixed positive $C$?
$1/2$ is trivial lower bound because of squares. Limited numerical evidence up to $10^7$ suggests that $s^*(N,1/2) = 0.62\ldots$.