If $V$ is a vector space and $g$ is a symmetric degenerate bilinear form on $V$, every complementary subspace to the radical ${\rm rad}(V)$ is called a "screen subspace" of $V$: we have an orthogonal direct sum $V = {\rm rad}(V) \oplus SV$.
Likewise, if $M$ is a smooth manifold and $g$ is a symmetric and degenerate $(0,2)$-tensor field on $M$, any complementary distribution to ${\rm rad}(TM)$ is called a "screen distribution" of $M$: we have the orthogonal Whitney sum $TM = {\rm rad}(TM) \oplus S(TM)$.
These definitions are given by Bejancu and Duggal in several of their books and works. But I can't see any motivation for the name "screen".