I am looking for a reference for a proof of the following claim:
Assume that there exist constants $a>0, C$, where the independent entries of a Wigner matrix, $\{ X_N(i,j)\}_{1\le i\le j\le N}$ satisfy: $$ \sup E(e^{a\sqrt{N}|X_N(i,j)|})\le C$$ Prove that there exist a constant $c=c(C)$ such that $\lim \sup_{N\to \infty} \lambda^N_N\le c$ almost surely, and $\lim \sup E(\lambda_N^N)\le c$.
where $\lambda_N$ is the maximum eigenvalue of the Wigner matrix which is a symmetric matrix.
Edit: changed the $\lambda$ appearing in the exponent to $a$.