I am looking for a reference of the proof of the above claim.
Basically it's the following claim:
Consider a Wigner matrix $X_N$ satisfying $r_k\le k^{Ck}$ for some constant $C$ and all positive integers $k$. Then, $\lambda_N^N$ converges to $2$ in $L^p$ norm.
where $r_k$ is defined as: $r_k := \max ( E|Z_{1,2}|^k,E|Y_1|^k )<\infty$; and $\{ Z_{i,j} \}_{1\le i <j}$ and $\{ Y_i \}_{i\ge 1}$ are real valued random variables iid with zero mean, s.t $E(Z_{1,2}^2)=1$.