I think that Proposition in Higher Topos Theory (Lurie) is exactly what I was looking for:
Given: a coCartesian fibration $p\colon X\to S$ of $\infty$-categories and a diagram $\overline q\colon K^\triangleright\to X$ such that $K$ is weakly contractible and such that $\overline q$ carries each edge of $K$ to a $p$-coCartesian edge of $X$.
Then: $\overline q$ is a $p$-colimit diagram if and only if it carries all edges in $K^\triangleright$ to $p$-coCartesian edges of $X$.
Taking $S$ to be a point we get that a sufficient condition as I was looking is for $N(C)$ to be weakly contractible.
It seems that Kyle Ferendo's remark implies the converse: if all the essentially constant diagrams of a certain shape are essentially constant, then $N(C)$ is weakly contractible. (Because $|N(C)|$ is the limit of the constant diagram $\star$ in spaces)